The  Sympathetic  Trilogy



Ruler of the Kingdom of Fear, Trembleatrix makes sure that Clara's worst nightmares come true.

Kingdom Jurisdiction:

Underwater caves, things that inspire fear of the unknown; abyss; heights of mountains where oxygen is thinner, places that are harsh like deserts, etc. Places that inspire death; crawlspaces that inspire claustrophobia; Physically “The North” in our space.

Invisible Creatures include:
  • Frightful Sobgobs--- make people extremely afraid / panic by jabbering
  • Poofs--- creatures that are able to appear for a brief second and then are invisible again

  • Object Dwellers--- groups of tiny scary things that live in objects

  • Anxores--- heavy lumbering animal-type creatures that exhale anxious fumes

  • Shymies--- groups of mouse-like creatures that make people shy / lose confidence

  • Gapers--- groups of spider-like creatures that enter spaces through gaping holes / scary

  • The Screamares--- Trembleatrix's main army / henchmen